1) What is the purpose of gloving?
- Prevent the spread of infection
- Protect the caregiver and patient
2) Can latex gloves be used more than once?
- No.
3) When are gloves required for patient care?
- Contact with blood
- Contact with body fluids
- Contact with excretions (urine or stool)
- Contact with mucous membranes (mouth or genitals)
- Contact with non-intact skin (wound care)
4) What steps should be taken before gloving
- Wash and dry hands (follow proper handwashing procedure)
- Put on gloves, using first gloved hand to glove the remaining hand
- Interlace fingers and press down to ensure good fit
5) When should gloves be removed?
- When the procedure is completed
- If the gloves are heavily soiled during procedure
- If the gloves become torn during procedure
- After touching secretions or excretions
- Before touching another part of the body
- Before touching any clean surface or object
6) What steps should be taken when removing gloves?
- Avoid touching the contaminated surfaces with bare hands
- Pull off one glove from the palm/wrist base, pulling it inside-out upon removal
- Hold removed glove in other hand during second removal
- Slip bare fingers under second glove at palm/wrist base, push down and off, turning it inside-out with first glove inside the second
- Place soiled gloves in sealed bag and discard
- Wash and dry hands (follow proper handwashing procedure)